Waldorf Quantum
Many see the Quantum as the rightful successor to the Waldorf Wave. Working with the ingenious Rolf Wöhrmann, we envisioned a synthesizer that combines the advantage of software with hardware. That one would have to step back in time — before the former flagship Wave, even — to the (unreleased) PPG Realizer to find an approach that is comparable in its functionality, with a display located in the centre of the instrument to allow the presentation and editing of different synthesis models, says something about the Quantum. Indeed, in the case of the Quantum, this is, of course, a touch display that also allows direct interaction with smartphone-comparable quality alongside corresponding (endless) controls.
Additionally, all of the synthesizer’s modules are visible on the panel for direct access. Each control element has an associated LED, the colour of which corresponds to other areas of sound production depending on the functional context. The boundaries of the modules are backed by a subtle darker shade of the basic — black on anthracite — colour, as well as being highlighted with a bright outline for better separation.
Slightly inclined towards to the user, the operating panel nestles as a floating unit behind the keyboard. The solid aluminium-milled side panels reinforce this impression with their open rear contours, while we inserted contour-milled wooden inserts into the side cheeks to symbolise the hybrid nature of Quantum’s digital/analogue sound generation. In order to guarantee stability at all times, we integrated an aluminium strut below the panel that also functions as a carry handle.
The unobtrusive, dark colour design deployed throughout the instrument compensates for the strong colours of the LEDs, also perceived as a reflection on the front of the respective controller caps.
Since the Quantum’s housing is entirely made of metal, all elements that can be touched feel like they are made from the material (aluminium) actually used, conveying authenticity and durability in operation.